Social Studies Lab

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Since WWII, what country has received the most foreign aid from the United States?

Current Event Friday

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Data Scavenger Hunt

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above:

  1. Since World War II, $960 billion, or over quarter of all US foreign aid, has gone to five countries. According to the visual above, what country has received the most foreign aid from the United States since 1946?

  2. Since 1946, how much money in U.S. foreign aid gone to Israel?

  3. The US has given out over $3.75 trillion in foreign aid (adjusted for inflation) since the end of World War II. Since WWII the U.S. has fought wars in Korea, Vietnam, The Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq. Why do you think these five countries listed above were the top recipients of U.S. foreign aid between 1946-2021?

  4. According to the visual below*, has the U.S. spent more money on foreign military or foreign economic aid?

  5. According to the visual below*, describe the overall trend in U.S. foreign aid since WWII.

    Big Brain Questions

    Answer these questions by yourself using your brain and any links below:

  6. Each year, Congress appropriates (requests) foreign assistance (aid) based on national security, commercial, and humanitarian interests. This aid is then distributed to foreign governments, international agencies, such as the United Nations or World Health Organization, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), such as Save the Children and the International Rescue Committee. These entities use foreign aid to carry out projects targeting specific goals, such as poverty reduction, humanitarian support, military assistance, and educational services. Foreign aid comes in multiple forms, including funds, goods, services, and technical assistance. People living in foreign countries generally do not pay taxes or vote in American elections. Why do you think the Congress (with the agreement of the president) spends money on foreign aid?

  7. Based on current global affairs, the war in Ukraine, Israel-Gaza, and Chinese aggression towards Taiwan, what countries do you think will receive large amounts of U.S. foreign aid in the next few years?

  8. According to a 2022 Congressional Research Service report, foreign aid can enhance the United States' global influence, address global challenges, and promote shared values. By assisting other nations, the US aims to create more prosperous and secure environments, prevent conflicts, and build partnerships. Considering the rise of Chinese and Russian foreign policy ambitions, do you think the U.S. should increase spending on foreign aid?

  9. In 2021, the US spent over $50 billion in foreign aid to nearly 200 countries, territories, and geographic regions. This was less than 0.01% of the year’s total federal budget. What is one consequence of spending this portion of our budget on foreign aid?

  10. As a percent of the federal budget, how much do you think the U.S. should spend on foreign aid each year?

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Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Contact the White House and let President Joe Biden know what you think he should do about U.S. foreign aid.

Or call the White House at phone number:

  • 1-202-456-1414 (Switchboard)

  • 1-202-456-1111 (Comments)

    Additionally, the U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can also connect you directly with your U.S. House Representative or Senators’ offices.

  • 1-202)-224-3121 (Switchboard)

Get Creative

Imagine if we spent the$ 50 billion that went to foreign aid in 2021 in another way that would benefit our country even more. What would that spending look like? Write about an alternate use of $50 billion.

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