Democracy Inquiry
Compelling Question
What is democracy and how democratic is the US?
Take our survey: How Democratic is the US?
Democracy Quotes
Find your favorite from the democracy quotes below.
What is Democracy?
Democracy Resources
Michael Mandelbaum: Democracy’s Good Name
Robert Dahl: How Democratic is the US Constitution?
Democracy Preconditions
What are necessary conditions for a democracy to flourish?
Fill out the Preconditions for Democracy form for your country
History of Democracy
Democracy Over Time
Samuel P. Huntington - The Third Wave of Democratization
Watch Democracy spread around the world in this one GIF
Democracy Today
Freedom House Democracy Data - Freedom in the World Interactive Map
Freedom in the World - 2017 Report
Here's a great NPR interview with Larry Diamond about today's rise of authoritarianism and fall of democracy
Compelling Question
What is democracy and how democratic is the US?