Social Studies Lab

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Democracy Inquiry

Compelling Question

What is democracy and how democratic is the US?

Take our survey: How Democratic is the US?

Democracy Quotes

Find your favorite from the democracy quotes below.

What is Democracy?

Democracy Basics

Democracy Resources

Michael Mandelbaum: Democracy’s Good Name

Robert Dahl: How Democratic is the US Constitution?

Democracy Preconditions

What are necessary conditions for a democracy to flourish?

Fill out the Preconditions for Democracy form for your country

History of Democracy

Democracy Over Time

Samuel P. Huntington - The Third Wave of Democratization

Watch Democracy spread around the world in this one GIF

Democracy Today

Freedom House Democracy Data - Freedom in the World Interactive Map

Freedom in the World - 2017 Report

Here's a great NPR interview with Larry Diamond about today's rise of authoritarianism and fall of democracy

Freedom House

See this content in the original post

Compelling Question

What is democracy and how democratic is the US?