Social Studies Lab

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Cell Phone Usage

What are the top three things people use their smart phones for?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What surprises you the most about the way people use their phones?

  3. Is this information good news?

  4. How different do you think this information will be in 20 years?

  5. Write your own question about smart phone usage:

  6. In what way is your cell phone usage most dissimilar from that of the average American's?

  7. If people are checking their phones an average of 144 times per day, what is it they aren't doing that they once did before smart phones existed?

  8. What is one way your life would be different without a smart phone?

  9. How do you imagine the information from the chart above is affecting US politics in general?

  10. How do you imagine the information from the chart above is affecting the 2016 election?

  11. If you had to chose between losing your best friend or your smart phone, which would you chose?

  12. What is the best thing you've ever done with your phone?

  13. What is your phone's name?

  14. What would your day be like if you turned your smart phone off for the next 20 hours? And what messages would you phone have on it once you turned it back on?

  15. What do you think is the appropriate age for a young person to get their first smart phone?

  16. Describe an embarrassing situation where you sent a text to the wrong person. Share your story on the comments section below.

Learning Extension

Check our the fact sheet from the fascinating Pew Research Center 2015 report on mobile technology usage in the US!

Action Extension

Turn your phone off and keep it off until this same time tomorrow. (Safety note: you might want to let your parents and closest friends know about this first so they won't freak when you don't answer your phone!) Share the highlights and lowlights of your experience with class tomorrow.