Social Studies Lab

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State Legislatures

Which political party controls the majority of state legislatures in the US?


  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this map?

  3. Which state has a unicameral legislature and what they heck does that even mean?

  4. What is the big story this map tells?

  5. Why do you think that is?

  6. What is one consequence of this?

  7. Is this good or bad news?

  8. Explain how political party control of state legislatures can affect their control of the US national legislature:

  9. Although more Americans are Democrats than Republicans, Republicans control over twice as many chambers of state legislatures. Explain how that happened:

  10. What electoral reform could make our state legislatures more representative of the Americans' political party affiliation.

Bonus Charts


Learning Extension

Check out Ballotpedia's state-by-state redistricting outline.

Action Extension

Contact your state legislator and tell them what you think about the way your state redistricts.