Why is Netflix not available in those three countries?
What are 3 other things you imagine those 3 non-Netflix nations are also lacking?
What affect does the ubiquity of Netflix have on the world?
Explain in which of those three Non-Netflix countries you think Netflix will next be available.
Let's call the list of Non-Netflix nations the Netflix Index or the Noflix Countries. What do you think were the ten most recent countries to get off that list?
Is there a better example of globalization than Netflix?
Explain whether having Netflix in a country makes the country more democratic and free?
Imagine a scenario in which Netflix suddenly arrived in North Korea. How would the arrival of Netflix impact the power of authoritarian rule?
If you were Kim Jong-un, the authoritarian leader of North Korea, what Netflix show would you be most afraid of?
What do you think would be another good measure of isolation from the rest of the world?
What does the fact that Netflix is a U.S. company tell us about our country and its relationship with the world?
Netflix did NOT exist 20 years ago. Today it is worth over $32 billion. Explain whether you think Netflix will still exist 10 years from now:
If you had to choose, explain whether you'd prefer to live in a country with the right to watch Netflix or the right to vote?
Call Netflix Customer service: 1 (866) 579-7172 and ask to speak to CEO Reed Hastings. Ask him to let me stream House of Cards for my class for free and ask him why Netflix is not in North Korea, China, and Syria: