Social Studies Lab

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Maternity Leave Me Alone

Critical Analysis

  1. According to the data from the map above, how many weeks of paid maternity leave do new mothers get in the U.S.?

  2. Describe how the amount of maternity leave for new American mothers compares to the rest of the world.

  3. Based on your knowledge of American politics and political culture, why do you think that the United States, the world’s wealthiest nation, is one of only eight nations in the entire world to offer ZERO mandated maternity leave?

  4. Imagine that the United States passed legislation to give new mothers 76 weeks of paid maternity leave, like our neighbors to the north, Canada. Describe how a Canadian-like maternal leave policy would impact the American social and economic systems?

  5. Because of our system of federalism, paid leave has been passed in nine states and the District of Columbia. Make a claim about whether this fact is an argument for or against having a federal system.

  6. Make a claim explaining whether you personally think the U.S. federal government should grant mandated paid leave to new American mothers.

  7. Congress is now considering four weeks of paid family and medical leave, down from the 12 weeks that were initially proposed in the Democrats’ spending plan. If the plan becomes law, the United States will no longer be one of eight countries in the world — and the only rich country — without any form of national paid leave. Let’s say you were a U.S. Senator who wanted to stop America from adding a national policy of mandated paid maternal leave. What Senate committees might have jurisdiction over this topic and how could you use your power as a member of the U.S. Senate to stop paid maternity leave from becoming law?

  8. Let’s say that the U.S. Congress was unable to pass a law giving paid federal maternity leave to new American mothers. Describe any steps a U.S. president could take to increase paid federal maternity leave.

  9. Imagine you wanted to change the rules of paternity leave in the US. What part of the US bureaucracy would be tasked with these sorts of rules?

  10. Describe the general stance adherents of the following political ideologies would take on paid maternity leave: Socialist, liberal, conservative, Libertarian.

    Learning Extension

    Browse an interactive version of the global map of family leave as shown above. Read this article from The Week about how the US ended up with the worst maternity leave laws on earth.

    Action Extension

    Contact your US Senator and share your opinion about paid maternity leave.

    Visual Extension