Social Studies Lab

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The ________ Branches of Government

Critical Analysis

  1. What percent of Americans can name all three branches of government?

  2. What is the big story this data tells?

  3. List the top three causes that explain the results of this survey:

  4. What is one political consequence of this level of civic knowledge?

  5. Hey, smarty pants. Why do we have three branches of government anyway?

  6. In Federalist No. 51 (1788), James Madison explains and defends the checks and balances system in the Constitution. Each branch of government is framed so that its power checks the power of the other two branches; additionally, each branch of government is dependent on the people, who are the source of legitimate authority. In Fed. 51, Madison calls the people, “the fountain of authority.” If the vast majority of the people can’t even name the three branches of government should they still be the fountain of authority?

  7. Do you imagine that Americans were any better at naming the three branches back in the 18th century when George Washington was president?

  8. Is it actually important to know the kind of information that you could look up on any smart phone in about 5 seconds?

  9. Who do you think would do better at identifying the three branches of government, Justin Bieber (Canadian), Tom Felton (English) the actor who plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter Movies, PewDiePie (Swedish), or the average 10th grader (American) at your school? Explain your answer.

  10. Claim: in order to vote any American citizen should have to prove that they can name the three branches of government and answer other important questions about the U.S. Government. Respond to this claim.

Learning Extension

Read the Annenberg Public Policy report on this survey and weep.

Action Extension

1-Take a mini-practice citizenship test online and share your results in class or online. Then ask ten people to name the three branches of government and share your results in class or online.

Visual Extension

Okay, Mr. 3% who can name Freedom to petition! Happy now?

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