Social Studies Lab

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Experienced or Old?

Critical Analysis

  1. Based on the data from the chart above, what is the average number of years of service of a member of the 117th U.S. Senate?

  2. Based on the data from the chart above, Identify one trend from the data?

  3. Explain two reasons that the number of years of service in Congress has increased over time.

  4. Based on your knowledge of the U.S. electoral system, explain why Senators currently have more experience than U.S. House members.

  5. The current average age of a U.S. Senator is 64.3 years. Would you want your grandparents or family members of age 60 and up to represent you in Congress?

  6. A student who shall be named “Reginald Boomploooouf III.” said that they think the data from the chart above is good news because it means our congress is experienced. Describe one policy issue that Congress' “experience” might help it tackle and then respond to Reginald’s claim.

  7. How do you think the average years of service of Congress impacts legislation on things like aid for college tuition, climate change, and legalization of marijuana?

  8. If there was a Silver Alert (missing senior) in Congress, how would the Capitol Police know which Congressperson to help????!

  9. What would be some immediate policy changes if the average age of Congress was suddenly equal to that of America = 37.9?

  10. There are age minimum requirements for Congress! What are those age requirements for the House and the Senate?** And why don't we have age maximums?

**House = 25; Senate = 30 years!

Learning Extension

Read this 538 article about the aging of Congress?

Action Extension

My personal U.S. House Representative is 74 years young. Contact your Congressional Representative or Senator and ask them how their age impacts how they legislate. If they are middle aged use email. if they are under 35 use Snap Chat, If they are old send a carrier pigeon. Share your correspondence in class or online. 

Visual Extension*

See this link in the original post