Iowa Youth Vote...wait are there still young people in Iowa??????
Jonathan Milner
What percentage of 2020 Iowa caucus voters were under 30?
How accurate was your prediction?
What questions do you have about this data?
According to the data in the chart what happened?
Why did this happen?
What is one consequence of this?
Is this information good news?
Who do you think these young people mostly voted for?*
How much did the youth vote help those particular candidates?*
Explain why youth voters supported those particular candidates?
Do you think this surge in the youth vote will be replicated nationwide in the 2020 election?
If this youth voting surge is replicated how will that impact the 2020 election?
Have you ever actually met a youth from Iowa?
Seriously, are there still young people in Iowa????
Imagine you were a campaign manager for any 2020 presidential campaign and you saw this data. How would this information shape your campaign strategy?
What is one method that state legislatures have recently used to try to suppress and limit the youth vote?
Why do some people try to suppress and limit the youth vote?
When a group tries to suppress the vote of the people are they generally pro or anti-democracy?
Why was there no Iowa Republican caucus this year?
What are voting eligibility and rules like for youth in your state?
By the way, we already know that Iowa (and New Hampshire, for that matter) are very unrepresentative of the United States and dramatically over represent voters who are White, old, and rural. On top of that, Iowa just royally screwed up their caucus. Do you think Iowa should still be the first state to vote in our presidential primaries/caucuses?
Register to vote (It will only take 2 minutes!) if you will not be 18 years old on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 then register someone who will be old enough to vote!