Social Studies Lab

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Snail Mail

NY Times Upshot

Critical Analysis

  1. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy unveiled new postal service plans in June, 2020. What has happened to the speed of mail delivery in the U.S. since then?

  2. How do you explain this mail slowdown?

  3. What is one political consequence of this slowdown?

  4. Benjamin Franklin was appointed postmaster general for the American confederation in 1775 and established the first American mail system. Why did the American government need a national mail system?

  5. The U.S. Postal Service is subsidized (partly paid for) by the U.S. Government. Why do governments provide public goods: services like the military, highways, and mail to their citizens instead of just having citizens pay for their own private services?

  6. According to Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution Congress has the power to establish Post Offices. But according to the U.S. Constitution, which branch actually runs or executes the work of the Post Office and government agencies? (Pro Tip: Executes!!!!)

  7. What power does the Congress have to investigate delays from a service it establishes and funds?

  8. What power does the Executive branch have over the post office?

  9. How does the battle over the postal service illustrate the concept of checks and balances?

  10. 91% of Americans have a favorable opinion of The Postal Service (not the band) making it, by far, the most popular part of our national government. Why do you the public which has such a high opinion of this service has not expressed more anger at the government?

  11. Imagine what our country would be like without a national mail service.

  12. For years the same mail carrier brought my family’s mail around lunchtime. Since this summer, our old reliable carrier has been replaced by 10 or more new mail carriers since summer. Last night (again) the mail carrier delivered our mail (wearing a headlamp) at 10:00. He accidentally delivered us our neighbor’s mail (as is often the case). According to the U.S. Postal service these changes were all made to increase efficiency. Does this sound like a more efficient system?

  13. How will this “increased efficiency” impact voting by mail?

  14. How many people actually vote by mail?*

Learning Extension

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Action Extension

Take 2 minutes to register to vote. Or, if you are too young, convince someone who is old enough to register to vote. Then vote like the mail depends on it.

Visual Extension*

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