What country do Americans think poses the greatest threat to the U.S.?
Data Scavenger Hunt
Find answers to the following questions using the visual above:
What country do Americans think poses the greatest threat to the U.S.?
What country do Americans think poses the second greatest threat to the U.S.?
What percentage of people polled said that the United States poses the greatest threat to the U.S,?
How many of the countries listed on the threats list possess nuclear weapons?
It is not uncommon for respondents to provide no response to open-ended questions. What portion of respondents said they “don’t know/refused to answer” this open ended question.
Big Brain Questions
Answer these questions by yourself using your brain and the links below:
List one thing the visual makes you wonder:
What country do you think poses the greatest threat to the U.S.?
If China is the greatest threat to the U.S. what can the U.S. do to counter the threat?
Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on much, but the data below* shows that members of both parties believe that China is the greatest threat to the U.S. List any other issue that brings members of both parties together?
Nations can be defeated or destroyed by external threats like war, natural disaster, plague, or famine. But more often nations are slowly defeated by internal threats. Describe how the U.S. is a threat to itself?
Write and Discuss
Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.
Act on your Learning
Let your congressional representative know what you consider the greatest threat to the United States.
Get Creative
Imagine how people in other countries view the threat the U.S. poses to their country. List any countries you imagine would feel that the U.S. poses them the greatest threat.
Learn More
Check out all these incredible Pew Research Center visuals about public opinion on threats to the U.S.