How many enslaved persons were taken from Africa in the Transatlantic slave trade?

Data Scavenger Hunt

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, your big brain, and the links below:

  1. Of the approximately 12.5 million enslaved Africans sent to the Americas; due to the horrifically high mortality rates involved, only 10.7 million disembarked. Approximately how many enslaved persons died on the transatlantic route before reaching the Americas.

  2. Of the approximately 12.5 million enslaved Africans sent on across the Atlantic, approximately how many enslaved persons were taken to South America in the Transatlantic slave trade?

  3. Of the approximately 388,747 enslaved Africans who disembarked in mainland North America, how many disembarked in the Northern United States.

  4. Approximately how many enslaved persons were taken to Europe in the Transatlantic slave trade?

  5. What is the big story the map above tells?

  6. How do you think the migration routes and numbers of enslaved people impacted the current demographics of the nations of North and South America?

  7. Britain abolished the trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1807, and the United States implemented its ban a year later in 1808. But the institution of slavery itself was not banned in the United States until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865. In between 1808 and 1865 the U.S. slave population grew by 25 percent per decade. How do you think this growth of the enslaved population impacted the Civil War?

  8. What does the map above make you wonder?

  9. How do you think the wind and ocean currents as shown in the map below* impacted where enslaved people were taken?

  10. In the article, Slavery’s Descendants, Reuters journalist Tom Lasseter researched the reach of slavery in politics today and found that of the 536 lawmakers sitting in the last Congress, at least 100 descended from slaveholders. Explain how slavery continues to impact life in America today, 158 years after it was abolished.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Take a look at the 100 out of 536 current lawmakers who are descended from slaveholders to see whether any politician representing you is a descendant of slaveholders. Contact one of the 100 politicians and ask them to comment on how this knowledge will impact how they govern.

Get Creative

How has the Transatlantic slave trade impacted your community. Investigate and document the impact of slavery in the community where you live. Share your results with your classmates.

Learn More*


How much has U.S. territory expanded since the Original Thirteen States?


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