Social Studies Lessons Jonathan Milner Social Studies Lessons Jonathan Milner

How many texts are sent every minute of every day?

Data Scavenger Hunt

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above:

  1. How much money do shoppers spend at Amazon every minute of every day?

  2. What were the biggest changes in the number of Google searches between 2013 and 2022?

  3. How much did the global internet population grow between 2016-2022?

  4. Why do you think that is? 

  5. Describe the big trend (change over time) that you see in the infographic above?

    Big Brain Questions

    Answer these questions by yourself using your brain and the links below:

  6. List one thing the visual makes you wonder:

  7. How does this internet minute most impact American politics, and specifically, how will it impact the 2024 election?

  8. Explain whether you think the government should regulate the internet more.

  9. What does your average internet minute look like?

  10. Only one generation ago, there was no internet as we know it today. How do you think the internet has most profoundly changed your generation and what do you think an internet minute will look like in 10 years?

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

How did people fill all their time before the internet existed? You’re about to find out. Take 24 hours off from the internet. That’s right, no TikTok, no YouTube, no Venmo. NO INTERNET. And no screens at all! That means no phone, no tv, no computer, no video games, no iPad, etc. Stay digitally offline for 24 hours straight. We don’t want anyone to worry about you, so before you try this, let your parents or anyone important know that you will be offline for one day by leaving an auto-response or telling them in advance. You don’t have to do this today and it’s not an excuse to not do your homework or to tell your teacher you can’t do an assignment. Plan your digital-fast for a time when it’s easiest for you to do it - probably on a weekend or holiday. Obviously, if there is some kind of emergency, you should break your digital-fast and get online fast. I bet you can’t do this. I really do. Prove me wrong and send a report of your digital-fast (after the fact) in the comments section below.

Get Creative

Create your own visual to how much of the internet you use every day. Include TikTok, Venmo, Google or any of your internet usage in the visual.

Learn More

When we spend time, who gets it? Take a deep dive into this infographic about how we spend our time online.

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