Which side do Americans sympathize with more in the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians?

Current Event Friday

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. Overall, which side do sympathize with more in the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians?

  2. Which side do you sympathize with more in the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians?

  3. How does age impact sympathies in the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians?

  4. Which demographic group is most supportive of the Palestinians and which is most supportive of Israel?

  5. What political party is the most conflicted and divide about the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians?

  6. According to the visual above* voters between 18 and 29 years old, traditionally a heavily Democratic demographic, show strong support for Palestinians. Nearly three quarters of them disapprove of the way Mr. Biden is handling the conflict in Gaza. And among registered voters, they say they would vote for Mr. Trump by 49 percent to 43 percent — in July, those young voters backed Mr. Biden by 10 percentage points. How do you think this issue will impact the outcome of the 2024 presidential election?

  7. In a poll, the more people who respond that they don’t know, the more room there is for poll numbers to eventually change. Based on the polling data above, explain how likely it is that the polling outcomes could change.

  8. The poll above surveyed over 1000 registered voters. What does that say about the reliability of the poll and about how it might impact the 2024 election?

  9. This week President Biden send Defense Secretary Austin to Israel to discuss the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians. Describe other powers that presidents have regarding foreign policy and conflicts like the one between Israel and Palestinians.

  10. According to the visual below*, describe American public opinion regarding Biden’s policy on the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Tweet Joe Biden at @POTUS and let him know what he should do about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Get Creative

Imagine you were running for President what would your policy look like regarding the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Learning Extension


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