Autonomous Learning Teams Template
It’s time for you to pursue your curiosity.
Team Member Names:
¿What are two question about the judiciary that interest you?
In five minutes, you will give the teacher a draft of your 2 questions.
By the end of class, the teacher will help you choose 1 unique question to pursue.
The Big Question:
In two days, each team will be expected to give the teacher a list of three specific sources you will use for research in order to answer the question. For example:
Article on The Supreme Court and Public Opinion; Federal Judicial Center website on how cases move through courts; C-SPAN Virtual Tour of Supreme Court.
In four days, each team will be expected to give the teacher a storyboard (rough draft) of your presentation on their answer to the question. This could be written, drawn, or in a PowerPoint slideshow.
In six days, each team will be expected to share a five-minute presentation of their question and what they learned as they tried to answer it.
The team presentation may be completely offline, with white board, triptych, or poster board; or online as a Prezi, Tumblr, blog, or other digital archive.
Some examples of curious questions to pursue include:
· How much power does the court have?
· Is the judiciary the most powerful branch?
· What would happen if our justices didn’t serve for life?
· How has the justice system changed over the years?
· Has a Supreme Court Justice ever been impeached and if so how did the trial work?
· How does the court affect us in our everyday life?
· What is the most important SCOTUS case of the 20th century? Of the 21st century?
· If you could have dinner with any member of SCOTUS, who would it be and why?
· Because of the court, what kind of rights do students have?
· Who is the most influential justice ever?
· How does the US justice system differ from other judiciaries around the world?
· What would the framers have thought about the current justice system?