Odd One Out
Review Game
Thanks for playing Odd One Out (Triple O) with us.
We'll give you a list of four GoPo terms and your job is to figure out which one does NOT belong, and WHY!
Your job is to make a claim about which of the four things doesn’t belong and then support your claim with a convincing reason that your answer is correct.
Example A Which one does NOT belong and WHY?
a) Judicial
b) Legislative
c) Executive
d) Ministry of Magic
Correct Answer
Claim - The Ministry of Magic does NOT belong.
Support - The Ministry of Magic is not one of the three branches of the US government…yet!!!!! Expecto Patronum!
One Point! You would receive one point for this answer because the support for your claim was accurate, logical, and on topic.
By the way, your claim is only as good as your support. Also, any claim can be correct, if the support is strong enough.
Now that know the answer, let’s try another one.
Which one does NOT belong. And why?
Example B Which one does NOT belong and WHY?
a) Andrew Johnson
b) Donald Trump
c) Bill Clinton
d) An Anteater
Correct Answer
Claim - An anteater does NOT belong.
Support - an anteater has never been impeached - the others have.
One Point! You would receive one point for this answer because the support for your claim was accurate, logical, and on topic. Remember, we are more interested in the why (support) than the what (claim). The teacher will award points for ingenuity and original thinking.
Okay. If you can be thoughtful, knowledgeable, persuasive, creative, and ingenious you might just be crowned our Triple O Champion!
Alright already, let's play!
Scroll down to play, or if you’d like, you can play on this google form (with answer key!).
1. Which one doesn’t belong and WHY?
a) Exercise
b) Filibuster
c) Establishment
d) Commerce
2. Which one doesn’t belong and WHY?
a) Cabinet
b) Conference Committee
c) Veto
d) Filibuster
3. Which one doesn’t belong and WHY?
a) New York Times v. U.S.
b) Engel v. Vitale
c) Tinker v. Des Moines
d) Schenck v. U.S.
4. Which one doesn’t belong and WHY?
a) 1860
b) 1896
c) 1980
d) 1932
5. Which one doesn’t belong and WHY?
a) FBI
b) AMA
d) FEC
6. Which one doesn’t belong and WHY?
a) Amicus Briefs
b) Conference
c) Oral Arguments
d) Trial by Jury
Now I’ll leave you with this and I won’t tell you the answer. See if you can figure it out.
7. Which one doesn’t belong and WHY?
a) Lobbying
b) Extradition
c) Concurrent Powers
d) Interstate Commerce