Password 2.0 GoPo VoCo Review Game!

We've remixed our favorite review game!

Password 2.0 Rules

  • Divide the class into two teams.

  • Use the vocabulary terms from the original Password game (above) or the list of 10 Password 2.0 terms (below).

  • Each team picks a team name based on what they think is the most important GoPo topic to study for the exam. For example, Team Federalism, Team Presidential Powers, or Team Civil Liberties.

  • Each team sends a guesser to the front of the room.

  • The guesser must turn their back towards the screen/board so that they cannot see the term!

  • Project a vocab term from your password game onto the screen or write a vocabulary term from the list below onto the board. For example, write/project Establishment Clause onto the board.

  • Each team has 30 seconds to think of one word clue (that is NOT the actual vocab word or any variation of the term) to help the guesser say the vocab term. For example, the team CANNOT give its clue as: Establishing Phrase, or Rhymes with Establishment Paws.

  • Teams should be very quiet as they generate their clue so the guessers and the other team can’t hear them.

  • The team, which the teacher judges to have named itself after the most important GoPo topic goes first.

  • That team says their clue word, which the teacher writes on the board. For example: Church.

  • That team’s guesser has 30 seconds to guess the vocab word. For example, they might guess, Theocracy.

  • If they correctly guess the word, they win one point, if they don’t guess the word then the other team has thirty seconds to think (quietly) of one clue word to say to help their guesser guess the same term that is on the board. After they give their clue, their guesser has 30 seconds to guess the term. For example, the second team might give their, State. If their guesser correctly guesses the term that team wins a point, if they don’t guess the term correctly, for example, the guesser from the second team guesses, Freedom, then we move on to the next round.

  • The game continues, alternating between teams until one guesser correctly guesses the term. For example, in the second round, team one might give their clue: Amendment, then if guesser incorrectly guesses, Jefferson, then the other team gets another shot to give another clue, for example: Wall, for their guesser.  Play continues until eventually a guesser says: Establishment Clause.

  • You could set an 8 clue limit to speed play.

  • Award one point to the team that guesses the term and then move on to another round with a new term. The team that correctly guessed the term in the last round, always goes first in the next round.


Password 2.0 Vocabulary Terms

  • Cloture

  • Selective Incorporation

  • Safe Seat

  • Gender Gap

  • Political Socialization

  • Lobbyist

  • Pocket Veto

  • Rule of Four

  • Necessary and Proper Clause

  • Speaker of the House



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Democracy Inquiry