Typical GoPo Class
50 minute class
25 students
Homework Reading
For the previous night’s homework, students will have been given a number from 1-5, assigned a portion of a reading and 5 questions about their portion of the reading, that they will be prepared to share in class. This could be taken up for a grade.
Class starter 10 minutes
Students will work on class starter related to the reading topic for 10 minutes while I take attendance.
Effort check
While students are working on class starter I circulate through the room and give an effort check on their homework answers. Any students who have not done their homework will be given 10 minutes to do their reading and answer their questions while the class works on their class starter and then breaks into groups. They will not be allowed to participate in class discussion and will be given reduced credit for their homework.
Teams 10 minutes
Students who have actually done their homework will break into 5 teams, corresponding to the reading and questions for their section of the reading. Teams will work together for five minutes to formulate the best answers to the question and then fill this information into a shared Google doc. Teams will also be given a synopsis sheet where they will summarize the main point of their portion of the reading and their opinion of their portion of the reading.
Discussion 10 minutes
I will lead class in a discussion of the five questions about their reading and then they will share their synopsis and opinion. I will project the Google doc on the board. While we discuss, all students will watch as their colleagues discuss the information they have put in the Google doc graphic organizer to assimilate the information about the synopsis and opinion of each section of reading which they will fill in as they listen to their peers.
Summative Assessment 15 minutes
Students will be asked to perform a creative task about the entire reading. They may be asked to make a rap about it, make a storyboard for the book, translate it into emojis, hashtags, create a book jacket, or some other assessment they finish for homework.
Exit 5 minutes
Students must write a question they have about the reading or the class in order to exit the class. They must turn this in as an exit ticket.