Translation Nation

In the US what is the most commonly spoken language other than English or Spanish?**

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What story do these maps tell?

  3. What about these maps surprised you?

  4. What about these maps didn't surprise you?

  5. What languages do you speak?

  6. What is the official national language of the US of A?*

  7. What questions do you have about these maps?

  8. Explain what impact this data has on U.S. politics.

  9. Describe the languages your family speaks at home, going back as many generations as you can.

  10. In the comments section, explain whether you believe the US should have an official language:

*There is no official language of the US.

** Chinese. Just about 2,882,497 people speak a Chinese dialect such as Mandarin or Cantonese, an increase of 290 percent! You’re most likely to find Chinese dialect-speakers in New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco.

Learning Extension

Check out this fantastic U.S. Census data listing every single one of the 350 languages spoken in U.S. homes.

Action Extension

Find out what languages your school district translates official documents into and do one of the following:

1)write or call your Superintendent and express your opinion about translation.

2)Take matters into your own hands and use Google Translate to translate official signs or directions at your school into a language spoken widely in your community. Post your translation next to the English and document what happens. 


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