2016 Presidential Elections

It's hard to believe, but now that the midterm elections are over, we're already thinking about the 2016 US presidential elections.

  1. Create the perfect presidential candidate. Describe this candidate by listing three traits that would make them unstoppable:

  2. Create the world's worst presidential candidate. Describe this candidate by listing three traits that would make them unlikely to win:

  3. What is the biggest surprise in the data?

  4. Are there any traits in this chart that would immediately disqualify a candidate from getting your vote?

  5. Why do you think Americans prefer presidential candidates who are marijuana users, have had extramarital affairs, or who have never held office to atheists?

  6. Which of the traits from the chart would you personally like to see in a presidential candidate?

  7. What questions do you have about this chart?


You can find out even more data on our presidential preferences at the Pew Research Center


Two Worlds


Venn Diagram of Green Guys