Spending Our Days "Gangnam Style"
¿Worldwide, collectively how many hours have been spent watching "Gangnam Style" on You Tube?
The Economist made this sobering graphic of the hidden cost of the most popular YouTube video of all time—with more than two billion views since June 2012: "At 4:12 minutes, that equates to more than 140m hours, or more than 16,000 years." Then they compared it to some of humanity's most monumental tasks. ***This data is as of December, 2014.
How accurate was your prediction?
Have you watched the "Gangnam Style" video?
What could you have done in the same amount of time (4:12 minutes) that it took you to watch "Gangnam Style" that might have been a better use of your time?
What story does this chart tell?
What allows humankind this much time to be spent on watching this video?
Do you believe it is a good or bad thing that we live in a time when people collectively spend millions of hours watching "Gangnam Style"?
I was surprised that twenty Empire State Buildings could have been constructed in the same amount of time that has been spent watching "Gangnam Style". What information from the chart most surprised you?
Do you think that "Gangnam Style" is worth more than a WIkepedia and a half?
In the comments section, please list another worldwide pursuit that would take approximately 140 million hours that you would be willing to trade in for "Gangnam Style":
Action Extension
Make your own infographic of things you could have done in the same amount of time that it took you to watch "Gangnam Style". Post it in public and take a picture of it.