¿What is the most consumed type of beverage in the US of A?
How accurate was your prediction?
How similar are your own drinking habits to those of the average American?
What is the big story from this chart?
What trends do you see in this chart over the past decade?
What do you think explains these trends?
What is a consequence of these trends?
If you had to fill in a column for American drink consumption for 2021 what would it look like?
Of all the types of drinks listed on this chart which is the least healthy?
Is this chart good or bad news?
How do you think this would compare to drink consumption in a less developed country like Haiti or Bangladesh?
Imagine that in one day you drank the amount of coffee the average American drinks in an entire year. What would that day be like?
Mexico, the nation with the world's highest soda consumption, recently passed a 10% tax on soda. The soda tax has already reduced nationwide soda consumption by 6%. Many American cities have proposed high soda taxes. In the comments section, explain your opinion on a soda tax:
Action Extension
Make a drink log and tally the amount of liquids you consume over a 48 hour period to see how you compare to these national averages.