Interracial Marriage
Interracial Marriage has been legal in all states since 1967. ¿What portion of all US marriages are interracial?
Image Credit: Wall Street Journal
*According to the Wall Street Journal 15% of new marriages are interracial. According to the Pew Research Center 8.4% of all US marriages are interracial.
How accurate was your prediction?
What story do these charts tell?
What regional differences do you see in the information from the maps?
What do you think accounts for these differences?
Virginia v Loving, decided on June 12, 1967 struck down all remaining miscegenation laws (anti-interracial marriage laws). What do you think the map above looked like in 1977?
Describe what you imagine the map above will look like in 2027:
In the comments section, think about someone you know who is racially mixed - It could be a friend, family member, you, or someone famous. Who has more power in determining their racial identity, the individual person or society?