Life Expectancy at Home & Abroad

¿Overall, is life expectancy higher in Europe or in the US?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What story do these maps tell?

  3. In which areas of Europe and the US are life expectancy rates most similar?

  4. The part of the US with the highest life expectancy is similar to what part of Europe?

  5. Why do Europeans live, on average, so much longer than Americans?

  6. Based solely on this map, what part of the US would you definitely not want to move to?

  7. Do you think most Americans are aware of this information?

  8. What do you think most Americans would do if they learned that Europeans* (see bonus map), who spend much less money per person on health care, outlive Americans by so much?

  9. In the comments section, if you were an adviser to the president of the US what advice about health and life expectancy would you give them?

Action extension

Do some research to find the exact life expectancy of people who live in your state and then list three other countries (in Europe or elsewhere) that have similar life expectancy rates.

Bonus Map on per capita health care spending.*


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