Education Disintegration
What % of Black students in the south go to schools where Whites are the majority?
How accurate was your prediction?
What story does the chart tell?
Do you go to an integrated school?
Do you believe schools should be integrated?
What are two consequences of segregated schools?
If these trends continue, according to your calculations, what percentage of Black students will attend White schools by 2020?
What caused the original increase in school integration?
What do you think the government could do to increase integration today?
What questions do you have about this chart?
What do you think is causing the re-segregation of schools today?
Is there anything you could do about the re-segregation of education?
If you are on Twitter send a 140 character tweet to summarize this chart to #apgopo
What do you think Donald Trump would have to say about this chart?
In the comments section, describe your school in terms of race: