Maternity Stay

¿How much paid maternity leave does the US provide?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What story does the infographic tell?

  3. When you read this infographic, how did it make you feel about the US?

  4. What are the two most surprising countries that mandate more paid maternity leave than the US?

  5. What is one benefit of mandated paid maternity leave?

  6. What is one argument against mandated paid maternity leave?

  7. Why do you think the US lags behind all these other countries in giving benefits to new mothers and children? (Do we know something that they don't?)

  8. Write the number of paid maternity leave days you believe the US should mandate:

  9. In the comments section below, write the word or phrase that crossed your mind when you learned that both Pakistan and Mexico give more paid maternity leave than the wealthy US:

Action Extension

Go to the White House website and make your own We The People petition about this issue.


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