Social Studies Lab

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The State of States Part 2

¿What is your state best known for?

The Most Famous Actor From Each State

  1. Overall, what do you think your state is most famous for?

  2. Would the average person have a positive or negative association with your state?

  3. Overall, what do you think is the best thing that came out of your state (besides you!)?

  4. What questions do you have about these maps.

  5. Your state government has hired a large marketing firm to make a brand new tagline for your state. For example, Iowa's slogan is the thrilling, "This Is Iowa." Idaho's is (it really is, I promise), "Great Potatoes!" The slogan I created for my state is, "North Carolina - State of the Art!" Here's a whole list of all the state slogans. Come up with your own slogan for your state and post it in the comments section below:


Move to a new state.