Money Money Money

Prediction: What does it mean to SPOCK a five dollar bill?




And after

  1. Is "Spocking" a Canadian bill illegal?

  2. Who is the actual person who is supposed to be on the Canadian $5 bill?

  3. Who could you "Spock" the $5 US bill to make it look like? Don't do it, it's illegal in the US!

  4. If you could subtract one person from any American bill and replace the with another person who would you trade? (For example: subtract Washington from the $1 and replace him with Paris Hilton.)

  5. Why do we only have White males on our bills?

  6. Do you think a female or a person of color will make it onto the front of a US bill first? (It could be a combination of the two at once.)

  7. Who would that person be?

  8. What is the best currency hack you've ever seen?

  9. Here's a quiz. Name the person on the front of the following bills:










Here's the answers to who is on the bills:



$5-Lincoln (Murray)




$100- Franklin

Here's a currency hack that my friend taught me.


Shower Power

