All-Time Best Selling Albums Worldwide

Prediction: What is the all-time best selling album worldwide?

  1. Do you even know what the word, "album" means?

  2. Was your prediction correct?

  3. What was the biggest surprise of this list?

  4. What was an album you thought would be on the list that wasn't?

  5. What generalizations can you make about the demographics of the people that made these albums?

  6. Why do you think there haven't been any all-time top selling albums since 2000?

  7. When was the last time you paid money for an album or even a song?

  8. What was a band that you thought would be represented on this list that wasn't?

  9. What are the countries represented by these albums?

  10. What is the worst album on this list?

  11. Michael Jackson's Thriller has sold one record for every three Americans, or about one per family! WOW! Take another number to compare Thriller's sales to (e.g., there are four times as many copies of Thriller as their are Scandinavians) and post it on the Comments section below:


Shipping Anyone?


Song Titles