Social Studies Lab

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The World Divided into regions with a GDP of 1 Trillion dollars

¿What portion of the world's GDP belongs to the US?

*Depending on how you calculate it, the US owns about 20% of the world's GDP.

  1. What story does the map tell?

  2. How accurate was your prediction?

  3. What does GDP measure?

  4. What does this map tell us about the US?

  5. Is the information in the map good news or bad news?

  6. Why do you think some parts of the world have such high GDP while others don't?

  7. How do you think this map will change over the next few decades?

  8. How much impact does the US political system have on the wealth of our nation?

  9. The yellow section of Africa has a larger population and area than the entire US. In the comments section, write your opinion of this map as if you were a young person living in this part of Africa:

Check out for a ton of interesting views of global GDP.

Here's a short video from NPR's Planet Money explaining exactly what GDP is: