Special bonus insnowgraphic to celebrate super storm Jonas.
¿How much snow does it take to have a school snow day where you live?
How accurate was your prediction?
How many days have you been out of school this year because of snow?
Is your school about to get spanked by Blizzard Jonas, aka. snowpocalypse 2016?
Based on this map, where would you most want to live?
How lousy is your school district in getting snow days right?
What is the best thing about snow days?
Do you have more snow days now than when you were younger?
What state do you think it snows the least in?
In the comments section, write down a question for this map that you've created:
Q: Does the national AP GoPo exam get moved to a later date if it snows a lot?
Action Extension
Interview your parents and ask them how the weather has changed since they were kids. Tell them that you respect their walking miles through blizzards to get to school, but that the times are a changin'!