Social Studies Lab

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In Government We Trust

Overall, what percent of Americans trust the federal government always/most of the time?

Pew Research Center

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What trend do you see in the top chart regarding Americans' overall views of the federal government?

  3. What do you think is one cause for that trend?

  4. What is one consequence of that trend?

  5. Considering current trends, what percent of Americans do you think will trust the government always/most of the time in 20 more years?

  6. There was a small counter trend near the turn of the century where trust in the government rose to 60%. Why do you think trust rose that high?

  7. How different do you think the answer to this would have been if we had replaced "federal government' with "state government"?

  8. 74% of those surveyed said that politicians put their own interests ahead of the country. Do you think that's true?

  9. Look at the middle section of the chart. Can you name one current politician who puts the interest of the country ahead of their own interests?

  10. Can you name one historical political figure who puts the interest of the country ahead of their own interests?

  11. Look at the bottom part of the charts, the checklist of the government's role and performance. Evaluate the federal government based on this checklist and compare your results with those of the survey.

  12. Overall, is this information good news or bad news?

  13. Write your own fabulous question about this information:

  14. Name any other country in the world. How do you think Americans' trust in our government compares to levels of trust in government in the country you named.

  15. Overall, do you trust the federal government always/most of the time? Explain your answer in the comments section:

Action Extension

Think of one politician (they may be from the local, state, or federal level) who puts the interest of the nation ahead of their own personal interests. Contact that politician and thank them for their selfless work.

Learning Extension

Read the whole Pew Research Center report on how Americans view their government.