Social Studies Lab

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¿What portion of US land is owned or administered by the US federal government?

*The federal government owns roughly 635-640 million acres, 28% of the 2.27 billion acres of land in the United States.

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. Are you surprised by this map?

  3. What is the big story that this map tells?

  4. What is a consequence of the federal government owning more than one fourth of all US land?

  5. Is it good that the federal government owns over 600 million acres of America?

  6. How did the US government come to control so much land?

  7. Describe the federal government's land ownership in your state:

  8. What do you imagine this map looked like 100 years ago?

  9. What do you project it will look like in 100 years?

  10. Ranchers have taken control of federal buildings in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon to protest what they see as the overreach of the federal government in the Western US. In the comments section, explain whether you think they should be forcibly removed from US property by the federal government.

Action Extension

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch will be in charge of deciding how to respond to this takeover of federal property. Contact Attorney General Lynch with advice on what to do about this standoff.