Income and Voting

Critical Analysis

  1. What is the relationship between household income and voting rates?

  2. Why do you think that is?

  3. What is a consequence of this?

  4. What do you imagine these numbers will look like in the 2024 presidential election?

  5. How do you think this data impacts U.S. policy?

  6. Explain what you would say to a person with a low household income who told you they didn't see any reason to vote:

  7. What question do you have about this data?

  8. How do you think this information impacts presidential campaigns?

  9. Respond to the following claim: increasing household income would increase the voting rate.

  10. What information that is not supplied in this data would you need to know to be able to more accurately predict the winner of an election?

Learning Extension

Browse this DEMOS report and charts on the relationship between income and voting.

Action Extension

Do your part to change this graph. Try to convince one wealthy person not to vote and one poor person to vote. Which was harder to do? Share your experience with your classmates on line or in class.

Visual Extension



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