Death of the Death Penalty

Do more Americans support or oppose the death penalty?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this data?

  3. What is the big picture this data paints?

  4. What is a recent trend in the data?

  5. What is one cause of this trend?

  6. What is one consequence of this?

  7. What do you predict this data will look like in 10 more years?

  8. Do you think the US will ever outlaw the death penalty?

  9. Explain whether you support the death penalty:

  10. Has the death penalty been a big issue in this year's election?

  11. Why do you think that is?

Learning Extension

Browse the charts from the Pew Research Center's study on support for the death penalty.

Action Extension

Research reasons to support and oppose capital punishment and then try to convince one person of your opinion.


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