Social Studies Lab

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Household Income Inequality

How has U.S. income inequality changed over the past half century?


Click here to check out the interactive version of the chart.

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. How surprising is this information?

  3. What is one trend you see in this data?

  4. What is the big story this data tells?

  5. What is a cause of the growing U.S. income inequality?

  6. What are two consequences of this?

  7. Is this good news for the U.S.?

  8. Is this good news for the top 1% in the U.S.?

  9. Explain whether you believe inequality is bad.

  10. How will the information from this chart affect the 2016 presidential election?

  11. Do you believe that this chart will continue to move in the same direction over the next half century?

  12. How could taxation policy affect our growing income inequality?

Learning Extension

Check out the interactive version of the chart.

Action Extension

Research the tax plans for Clinton and Trump and share your findings in class or on social media.