Social Studies Lab

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Is it illegal to take a selfie with your ballot in your state?


  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this information?

  3. What is the big story this map tells?

  4. Why do you think that is?

  5. What consequences are this?

  6. What patterns do you see in this data?

  7. Why do you think that is?

  8. Is this good news?

  9. Do you personally believe that it should be illegal to take a selfie with your ballot?

  10. Explain yourself:

  11. What did the Framers of the Constitution write about Selfies in the 1st Amendment?

  12. Okay, so this is sort of silly, but what does it tell us about federalism and elections?

  13. For real, let's just say that the Supreme Court ruled on this, what is an argument someone in support of allowing ballot selfies could make:

  14. Mississippi and Louisianippi are next-door neighbors. Why do you think they have different laws on voting and selfies?

  15. What advice would you give a voter about taking a ballot selfie? Add your advice to the comments section below or tweet it out with #selfieballot

  16. Explain whether you think a Trump or a Clinton supporter would be more likely to take a ballot selfie:

  17. Are you serious?

  18. If you are not old enough to vote create a pretend ballot, vote for your favorite candidate, and post a picture of your ballot selfie on Instagram or Snapchat.

  19. What is one method that could clear up the selfie ballot controversy and guarantee one ballot selfie rule for all Americans?

  20. Use the language of the Bill of Rights to write a 28th Amendment about Selfie Sticks in Voting Booths.

Learning Extension

Read the Vox article on ballot selfies! Yes, this is for real, and it's in Vox not in the Onion.

Action Extension

Make a poster/flyer for voters in your state with advice about voting and selfies. Post the flyer/poster at your school or share it on social media.