Why do you think that 29% of Hispanic voters voted for Trump?
What is one consequence of this?
In your opinion, is this chart generally good or bad news?
Based on the chart, what do you think is the number one demographic reason that Donald Trump won this election?
Which demographic group from the chart above gave Clinton the most support?
What are some other important trends you see in the chart?
Which of the demographic groups from the charts above is the largest in total number?
Which groups did Hillary Clinton have more success with in 2016 than President Obama did in 2012?
Why do you think that is?
Flipping the vote of which group would have most quickly changed the entire outcome of the entire election?
What does this information tell us about the next few U.S. presidential elections?
Based on this data, what advice would you give a democratic party operative hoping to win in 2020?
Do politicians' knowledge of all this information affect the way we run US political campaigns?
Why do you think Whites were so reluctant to support Clinton in 2016?
Above all, what do you think the 2016 election was about?
Explain how the data from the chart above has impacted the Trump presidency in the comments section below, or on Twitter with #apgopo
Learning Extension
There's a whole lot more information in this interactive 2016 exit polls chart at NYTimes. And you can even scroll from year to year to compare American demographics and voting changes. Take a look!
Action Extension
Based on the exit polling data, create the most over the top Trump supporter and most over the top Clinton supporter imaginable. Share these 2016 hyper-partisans with us on social media and in class.