Social Studies Lab

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Fake News

Which had more views on Facebook during the last portion of the 2016 presidential election, real news or fake news?


  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this chart?

  3. How many Facebook engagements of fake news happened between August and Election Day?

  4. What is one example of a fake news story during the election season?*

  5. What is the big story this chart tells?

  6. Why do you think that is?

  7. Explain whether or not you think this is important:

  8. How did this affect this year's election?

  9. Why would people go to the trouble of making up fake news?

  10. And why would anyone fall for fake news?

  11. Why should you believe this chart and this story isn't just made up? Does this even matter? I mean what portion of people even get their news from Social Media?**

  12. What questions do you have about this?

  13. Is this good about fake news, good or bad news?

  14. Now that the election is over, will the fake news end?

  15. Explain whether you think Facebook should censor fake news from their news feeds.

Completely bogus news*

Buzzfeed News

Bonus fake Chart**


Learning Extension

Read this analysis of some very fake news stories.

Action Extension

In the words of our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, "Half of what you read on the internet is not true." CNET has an interesting solution to the fake news problem: "Maybe Facebook, Google just need to stop calling fake news 'news'" What do you think they should do? Contact Google or Facebook and let them know what you think about their "news" feeds.