Where are you going?

What state or geographic region are you (or any American, for that matter) least likely to move to after you graduate college?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this map?

  3. What question do you have about this?

  4. How different do you think this map would have looked in 1960?

  5. How different do you think this map will look in 50 years?

  6. What is the big story this map tells?

  7. Why is that?

  8. Explain similarities between this map and the 2016 American presidential election map (see *Bonus Map below), e.g. Red (Trump) versus Blue (Clinton) states:

  9. What is one geographical area that young people are not moving to?

  10. Why do you think that is?

  11. What is one particularly popular state or area that young people are moving to?

  12. Why do you think that is?

  13. Overall, is this good news?

  14. What affect might this have on the U.S. political system?

  15. How different do you think this map would look if we displayed the data for people under 40 WITHOUT a college degree?

  16. What would you say at the top three most likely states for you to move to and to NOT move to after you graduate from college?

  17. What would you say to a young college graduate who was planning on moving to your state?

Learning Extension

Read the entire Upshot article!

Action Extension

In the comment section below, write the name of the state you plan to move to after college. Reply to one student comment explaining your opinion of their choice. Or Tweet your answer with #apgopo

*Bonus Map


Racial Resentment


Tradeoffs: Incarceration in America