Graduation Rate

The United States recorded its highest ever national-graduation rate of 81% in 2012-2013. What state has the lowest graduation rate in the U.S.?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this information?

  3. What is the big picture this map tells?

  4. How does the way this map looks relate to federalism?

  5. Do you see any geographical patterns in this map?

  6. Explain how a superimposed map of states Trump (red) and Clinton (blue) won would compare to this map:

  7. In general, is this map good news?

  8. What would this map look like if most educational funding and control came from the national government? How would this map look in a country with a unitary system of government?

  9. Americans have different levels of educational funding, requirements, curriculum, and instruction based upon the state they live in. What is a negative consequence of this system?

  10. What is a positive consequence of this system?

  11. What is the worst downside of a state having a low graduation rate?

  12. What do you think are the three main reasons people don't graduate from high school?

  13. What do you think are three specific reasons that some states have higher graduation rates than others?

  14. What would your parents think/do/say if you chose not to graduate from high school? What are two specific things the US government could do to raise the overall graduation rate?

  15. Nationwide, there is a large graduation gap between Asian, White, Black, Hispanic, Native American students. Explain that:

  16. In the comments section below, explain what impact the new Trump administration will have on the national graduation rate?

Learning Extension

Read this nifty article about the US graduation rate.

Action Extension

Contact the new US Secretary of Education elect and billionaire, Betsy Devos and let her know what you think about the US graduation rate and how she could help raise it:

Bonus Map

Graduation Gap


The United States of Facebook


Racial Resentment