
What percent of Latino voters chose Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this information?

  3. Why do you think over 1/4 of all Hispanics voted for Trump?

  4. There are, of course, many different groups who identify as Latino. People of Mexican, Dominican, Cuban, Puerto Rican origin, among many. What Latino group do you think was most likely to cast a vote for Donald Trump?

  5. Why do you think Latinos were more likely to support Obama than Clinton?

  6. What does this information foretell about the 2020 presidential election?

  7. In 1980 only about 2% of all voters were Hispanic, by 2012, that number was 8.9%. Why do you think that number has risen so rapidly?

  8. What do you think that number will be in 2020?

  9. What effect will that have on the 2020 election?

  10. What do you think a Donald Trump presidency will be like for most Latinos?

  11. What advice would you give the Democratic and Republican parties regarding the Hispanic vote for future elections?

  12. If 66% of Latinos voted for Clinton, why didn't she win the election?

  13. What American racial or religious groups do you think voted against Trump at higher rates than Latinos.

  14. Political pundits predicted that 2016 would be the "year of the Latino voter." Based on the chart and your knowledge of American politics, did that happen?

  15. What questions do you have about this information?

  16. What do you think the top election issues were for Latino voters in 2016? *See bonus chart below.

Learning Extension

Read the entire Pew Research Center analysis and view all the charts on the Hispanic vote 2016.

Action Extension

Make a 30 second analyzing the Hispanic vote in the 2016 presidential election outcome. Post your video on social media and share it with classmates, friends, and family.

Bonus Charts*


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