Partisan Gap

How big is the partisan gap (Democrats versus Republicans) in President Obama's approval rating?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What was most surprising about this data?

  3. What is the big story this data tells about the partisan gap in President Obama's approval rating?

  4. What are two reasons that explain such a big gap between Republican and Democratic approval of President Obama?

  5. What are two effects of such a big gap between Republican and Democratic approval of President Obama?

  6. Over the past half century, what trend do you see in partisan presidential approval gaps?

  7. Why do you think that is?

  8. What is one negative consequence of this trend?

  9. Describe one benefit of this general partisan presidential approval gap:

  10. Describe one solution that could lower the partisan presidential approval gap:

  11. Predict the partisan approval gap that you believe President Donald Trump will have:

  12. Of all the presidents in the chart, which had the highest approval rating from their opposition party?

Learning Extension

Read the Pew Research Center report on the partisan approval gap.

Action Extension

Contact President Elect Donald Trump with three suggestions of how he can decrease the partisan gap in his presidential approval numbers. Share your suggestions in class and in the comments section below.

Bonus Charts


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