What demographic group most identifies/leans Republican?

Critical Analysis

Find answers to the following questions using the visual above, any links below, your big brain, and your knowledge of American government and politics:

  1. What demographic group most identifies with (has the largest net percentage point support of) the Republican party?

  2. What age group most identifies as Democratic?

  3. Overall, which party has more adults who identify/lean toward them?

  4. Describe any trends you can identify in the data. For example: as education level goes up, the likelihood of identifying as a Democrat or leaning Democratic goes up.

  5. If you were to accurately predict the winner of a given election, what other information would you need to increase your accuracy.

  6. Non-Hispanic Black adults still identify as Democrats over Republicans by a 47 percentage points margin. But the Democratic Party's wide lead over Republicans in Black Americans’ party preferences has shrunk by nearly 20 points over the past three years. Why do you think Blacks Americans are moving towards the Republican Party and how do you think that move will impact the 2024 election?

  7. Which of the groups in the chart are you a part of and how much do you fit the profile of those groups as shown in the data above?

  8. Imagine you are having a conversation with any one of the demographic groups listed above. Explain to them why they are wrong to support the party they tilt towards.

  9. If you were a Republican political party operative, what about the chart would cause you the most concern and what would make you the most excited?

  10. Based on the chart above and your knowledge of American politics, respond to the following claim: if people just voted as Americans instead of as Jewish-Americans, White Southern-Americans, Mormon-Americans, Non-White Hispanic over 65+ suburban, etc., our country would be more united.

Write and Discuss

Take ten minutes to write about the question at the top of the page and then discuss with your classmates.

Act on your Learning

Contact the Republican Party or text them @GOP; or contact the Democratic Party or text them @DNC and, based on the data in the chart, explain to them what electoral strategy they should adopt.

Get Creative

If the Republican Party were a celebrity, who would it be?

Learning Extension

Read the entire Gallup report on party identification.


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