Explain one consequence of the trend in the chart:
Is this good or bad news?
List one question you have about this chart:
Describe the level of political participation of the15% of Americans who are offline:
Use the data from the chart to extrapolate what percent of American adults will be offline in 2030:
How well informed would you be without the internet?
Describe what you imagine the typical offline American would look like demographically:*
There are government programs to increase internet access for those who cannot afford or access it. In the comments section, explain whether you think it would benefit our country for more people to be online:
Learning Extension
Read the entire Pew report about Americans and the internet.
Action Extension
Consider how being offline would affect your knowledge of world affairs and politics. Using the data from the bonus chart below* create a typical offline American and share your imaginary person (and your ideas about their political participation) with the class.
And now a special gift from me to you: *Bonus Chart!!!