Party Dealignment Like It's 1999

US Government and Politics

Are there currently more Democrats, Republicans, or Independents in the U.S.?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. How surprised are you by the information in the chart?

  3. List one question you have about this chart:

  4. Before 1960 most Americans were either Democrats or Republicans, in the past few decades the U.S. has experienced what political scientists call dealignment - voters abandoning the two major parties - with a plurality of Americans now registered as independents. What do you think caused dealignment ?

  5. What is one consequence of dealignment?

  6. Is dealignment good or bad for the U.S.?

  7. What are two reasons that "independent" candidates don't win the presidency?

  8. Republicans never made up a plurality of U.S. voters in the second half of the 20th century, yet they won presidential elections in 1956, 1968, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, and 2004. Why do you think that is?

  9. Draw the chart as you predict it will be over the next 20 years.

  10. Explain how this information affected the 2016 presidential election?

  11. In the comments section, explain why you are (or plan to be) an independent or a member of one of the two major parties:

Learning Extension

Learn more about Pew's research on party identification trends.

Action Extension

Contact your state or local Republican or Democratic Party and explain to them two steps they should take to recapture independent voters:


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