Social Studies Lab

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Hollywood's Boy's Club

AP United States Government and Politics!

In 2014, what percent of lead or co-lead roles in the 100 top-grossing films went to females?


AP US Government and Politics

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. How surprising is this information?

  3. Why do you think that although the US is roughly half male and half female, lead movie roles are so skewed towards men?

  4. What is a consequence of this distribution of lead roles?

  5. How do you think this affects movie viewers?

  6. Is this bad news or good news?

  7. Do you think that moviegoers generally don't like seeing women in big roles or even in talking roles in movies?

  8. After the mega-success of Wonder Woman, do you think we will see a big change in the numbers in the chart in the next few years?

  9. A couple of years ago, in reaction to the lack of diversity, the #oscarssowhite hastag was created. Do you think it would be fair to have a hashtag #oscarssomale ?

  10. Regarding diversity, how did the Oscars do this year?

  11. How different do you think this division is in other industries like the financial services industry, technology industry, the medical profession?

  12. How do you think this division of lead roles looked 20 years ago, and what do you imagine this division of lead roles will look like 20 years from now?

  13. What do you think President Donald Trump would say about this issue?

  14. Explain whether you think the US government should enact some policy about this issue.

  15. In the comments section explain how you think the distribution of lead movie roles affects you personally:

Learning Extension

Watch this short video about gender diversity in the media from

Action Extension

Over the next 48 hours, notice the disparity of male and female leads roles and speaking roles as you watch the media. You might even keep a gender in media log just to quantify your results. Share your results with friends, family, and this class, and then advocate for See Jane.