Do you imagine that your answer to the previous question would depend on where your school falls on this chart?
Where do you think your district falls on this chart? (Find out at The Upshot)
Are you surprised about where your district falls on this chart?
Imagine you are an editor putting this chart in your newspaper. What title do you put on this chart?
Some would argue that we each achieve our educational success on our own, others would say that we are the products of the kinds of schools we have. Explain how your personal educational attainment is linked to the socioeconomic level of the other kids in your district:
Is there anything the government could do to even things out and make educational attainment less dependent on wealth?
In the comments section, explain whether you believe the government should do anything to try to even things out for all Americans?
If you can read this chart thank your teacher!
How much of a role does the federal government play in education?
Learning Extension
Read the entire article and check out the interactive chart at The Upshot.
Action Extension
Contact your local school board or county commissioners. We know that wealthier districts spend more money on schools. We know that students at these better funded schools attain higher levels of education. Lobby your district or county to spend more money on schools so that your district and achieve higher levels of educational success.