
How many families in your state are homeless?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. How surprising was this number?

  3. What is the big story this map tells?

  4. What geographical trends do you see in this map?

  5. Why do you think some states have so many more homeless families than others?

  6. What is one of the major causes of homelessness for families?

  7. What is one way that so many homeless families affect a state?

  8. Is this map good news or bad?

  9. Should the government do more for homeless families than it does for homeless adults without children?

  10. What is one thing a state could do to lower the number of homeless families?

  11. What different positions would liberal and conservative Americans probably have on this topic?

Learning Extension

Check out this ICPH report on homelessness.

Action Extension

Do some research on the number of homeless families in your state and even in your community. Find out what your state or local government does for homeless families and report on what you learned to your class.




Education and Democracy


Middle Class Finger