Same-Sex Marriage Map

One year ago, the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in all parts of the United States. Since then, what part of the nation has had the most same-sex marriages as a percentage of all marriages?

  1. How accurate was your prediction?

  2. What most surprised you about this data?

  3. What is one trend or pattern you see in this map?

  4. What do you think explains that trend?

  5. What is one consequence of this pattern?

  6. What percent of all marriages in the past year do you think were same-sex marriages?*

  7. Had the Supreme Court not legalized same-sex marriages, and it were up to the states to decide, how different do you think this map would look right now?

  8. Why do you think there are so few same-sex marriage in the mid-west?

  9. Do you think the US will ever overturn or take away the right of same-sex marriage?

  10. Is this map good news or bad news?

Learning Extension

Click around on the NY Times' interactive map and see how your zip code compares to others. Also see which zip code had the highest and the lowest percentage of same-sex marriage relative to all marriages.

Action Extension

Contact your county clerk of court and ask them if there are any restrictions on same-sex marriage in your county. Share and discuss the answer with your friends and your class.



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